The Dark Side of The Moon

The Dark Side of The Moon
[ 3ds Max + Corona, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator ]

Space is not the first thing that comes to mind when mentioning the Institute of Geodesy and Cartography, and this fact became key to the creation of the project.

The point is that on October 7, 1959 under the guidance of scientists from the institute, the first

photograph of the back side of the moon was taken.

This black and white photo, fuzzy and with interference, is the quintessence of the work of a huge number of people of different professions and specialties, talented and courageous scientists.

The space under the passage between two buildings: the old campus(1779) and the new one (1979). It is protected from rain, snow, and bright sun. The popularity of the chosen location is due to its proximity to the main entrance to the new building and the sports area

The project won 1st place. But in the process of implementation

the administration was constantly changing the requirements, and in the end nothing was agreed and executed. The next year the contest was not

held. But for the last year of the competition’s existence, we finally

managed to create a discussion platform, get the real feedback, and tried to stand up for what we believe.

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